How Does Body Contouring Work?

While significant weight loss can have many benefits, it can also cause loose skin across different areas of the body. And, no matter how hard you work out or how healthy you eat, it can be difficult to tighten this skin. Luckily, body contouring can help remove sagging skin. Learn how Dr. Kutty and our staff at Luxe Plastic Surgery can help you achieve your goals.

Surgical Body Contouring

Also known as body surgery, body contouring is a catch-all term that refers to tightening the skin of different areas of the body. Following pregnancy or weight loss, your skin and tissue will lack the elasticity needed to tighten loose skin. Body contouring procedures help to not only smooth your skin but to improve the condition of the tissue underneath. This can help you achieve your perfect body post-weight loss.

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, a patient is considered a good candidate for body contouring if they:

  • Patients who have their weight loss stabilized.
  • Patients who are nonsmokers.
  • Patients with positive body goals.
  • Patients who lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Patients who do not have a medical condition that would complicate the healing process following surgery.

Where Can I Contour My Body?

The following are some of the most popular areas our patients treat with body contouring:

  • Facelift
  • Breast lift
  • Arm lift
  • Lower body lift (abdomen, inner/outer thighs, buttocks.)
  • Tummy tuck
  • Mommy makeover (addresses several areas post-pregnancy.)

Body Surgery in Sugarland TX

At Luxe Plastic Surgery, our goal is to help our patients feel comfortable in their own skin. Body surgery or body contouring is an excellent way to achieve an ideal figure for adults who struggle to reach them through traditional lifestyle methods.

To book a consultation with Dr. Kutty, speak with our staff today: (281) 313-0551